Autobay makes use of digital currency as a vehicle for payment of a vehicle, helping to make it easier for the vehicle to sell / buy / auction safely. Autobay provides The Autobay Dapp and website that will help to find your dream car, with filters that will customize searches like model, year, brand and mileage so you can customize to find vehicle results within 20mil radius.
Autobay has great benefits to buyers and sellers, the seller will have a lot of viewers from the vehicles that have been exhibited on the Autobay website, Buyers will also have a larger vehicle display above the local or regional Auction. Buyers can also purchase at very low rates through CryptoCurrency and Buyers can purchase cryptocurrency before Pre-Sales - General Sale of Autobay tokens at a discount to pay for the next vehicle at a higher price.
Once you find the car you want, just click "I'm interested" you will find the address and profile of the seller and the seller will receive your profile information as well, so the seller can know who will be interested in the vehicles that have been interested, this will help dealers manage and understand the demand of each of their vehicles. After you have seen the vehicle from the seller and decided to buy it, you do not need to pay cash as payment, Autobay allows you to pay with various payments or you may pay directly by Autoray tokens (ABX), Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) without the need for cash payment, to buy a vehicle.
The Autobay Dapp and website allows you to search for the car you want, add filters to customize your search ie for brand, model, year, mileage and distance so you can customize to find car, motorcycle or truck results within 20 miles radius.
Once you find the car you're interested in, by clicking "I'm interested" you get the seller's address and the profile and the seller get your profile information, so he knows in advance who will visit the car. Sharing this transparent information helps both parties in decision making and organization. Particularly dealers will be able to evaluate the demand of each vehicle.
Once you see the car and you decide to buy it, do not need cash! Autobay lets you provide advanced payments or pay directly with Autobay Token (ABX), Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) without the need for cash payment, making Autobay the easiest and safest way to buy a car.
Token ABX
Ethereum Platform
Type ERC20
Price at ICO 1 ABX = 0.0001 ETH BONUS
Until May 08 47%
May 09 – June 08 37%
26 June – 09 July 27%
10 – 23 July 17%
July 24 – August 6 7%
Token sold 510.3 million Investment info
Min. investment 200 USD
Receive ETH, BTC
Distributed in ICO 54%
Soft cap 1,000,000 USD
Hard cap 24 million USD
Q1 2017
Product concept developed. Company founded, Team Assembled.
Q2 2017
Website and Dapp designed.
Q3 2017
Advisors join the team. Beta Autobay Website developed MVP.
Q4 2017
Autobay ABX Token created.
Tokensale website developed.
Q1 2018
Autobay promoted in websites and Social Networks.
Q2 2017
Pre Sale & Crowdsale launch.
Reward Auction granted.
Q3 2018
Decentralized platform and Dapp Beta Trial. Marketing campaign for the platform.
Q4 2018
Autobay website & Dapp Platform Launch.
Q1 2019
Marketing campaign for Autobay Auction.
Q2 2019
Launch of Auction platform.
Q3 2019
Offering 3 Car manufacturers an Official Store inside the platform to test for a period of 4 months.
Q4 2019
Marketing Campaign for those 3 Official Stores.
Q1 2020
Launching 3 Official Stores on a
beta testing for 4 months.
Q2 2020
Offering other car manufactures the possibility of opening an Official Store.
Q4 2020
Launching official Stores for Car Manufacturers within the platform.
Q3 2020
Marketing Campaign for Official Stores.
SAFE PAYMENT; Secure secure payments and transactions between parties.
LOW COST; Low cost pay with ABX, BTC, and ETH
UTILITY; Tokens are used as payments for vehicle purchases and car posts on e-commerce platforms
GIFT; Promotions, discounts and prizes will be awarded to users who pay with ABX through other crypto currencies.
USER VERIFICATION; Verify users via social media, phone numbers, user reviews, etc.
BETTER USER EXPERIENCE; Stress free because it does not require cash payment, easy and simple transactions
USER REVIEWS; Users will be reviewed to make the community better and fairer
SAFE TRANSACTIONS; Blockchain ensures a solid registry for every transaction detail.
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