Dealjoy is a privacy-focused global cashback platform designed to connect online shoppers with their favorite merchants to provide instant crypto cashbacks. Dealjoy operates between customers and online merchants by negotiating and onboarding the best affiliate deals. As our members proceed to an online store through the Dealjoy platform, they will receive cashback commissions for their purchases, with virtually no identifying personal information given to a third party. Using blockchain technologies and our ERC-20 standardized token called DEAL, cashbacks will be provided privately, globally, and instantly without minimum payout limits.
The Ultimate Token Value Strategy
Token Buyback
Used to buy DEAL tokens from exchanges, to be paid out as cashback commissions.
Token Burn
Used to burn tokens permanently, thus reducing the total supply of DEAL.
Token Staking
Predicted for 2019
Locked up by Dealjoy Plus members, decreasing the circulating supply.
Dealjoy operates between Customers, Merchants and Exchanges
Go with the Best
Token sale
Token symbol DEAL
Max total supply : 1.400.000.000 DEAL
Token standard : ERC20
Initial rate : 1 ETH = 40.000 DEAL
Tokens for sale : 980.000.000 DEAL (70%)
Soft Cap : US$1.700.000,00
Hard Cap US$8.400.000,00
Q2 2018
Website and Whitepaper live.
Community building.
Private sale begins.
Q3 2018
Token sale.
Platform development.
First exchange listings.
Q4 2018
Dealjoy Beta launch.
Merchant onboarding.
Mobile app development.
Q1 2019
Global public platform launch.
100+ merchants supported.
Mobile app live.
Q2 2019
DealShop and DealFeed Live.
500+ merchants supported.
Global promotion.
Q3 2019
Dealjoy Partners program launch.
1000+ merchants supported.
Positioning among top cashback providers.
Is this company a good investment for you? If you believe in the power of artificial intelligence, yes. The developers of DEALJOY are confident that they will be able to achieve some success in this segment. AI is likely to improve a lot in the future, as well as the cost of this company and its tokens.
DEALJOY can be a good long-term investment for you, because it is likely that this company will offer you a good return on investment, but in the future. If you have enough patience, it would be nice to invest in this company.
Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the DEALJOY project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.
For more information and join DEALJOY social media today please follow these resources:
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