Blockchain, both in the context of cryptocurrency and its
underlying applications, has been the hottest topic of discussion in all
areas of life. The common theme is the expected large scale and
pervasive impact that the blockchain will have through all industries
and all facets of life.
While blockchain as an academic discussion is not new by any means,
recently there has been a widespread appreciation for the potential
impact that it could have. Blockchain solutions provide the promise of
transparency, disintermediation, a new understanding of security, and a
distributed system which no longer requires exclusivity on centralized
control; however, these solutions require more involvement and
responsibility of a network’s participants. These elements are the core
drivers for the sudden uptick in attention and notoriety in the space.
One of the most discussed elements of blockchain has undoubtedly been
cryptocurrency and the underlying transference of value; nearly
instantaneously, with a de minimis cost and an unprecedented level of
However, while currency and legal tender have been a highly debated
topic, the future impact of blockchain on the financial services
industry has been made more than abundantly clear. Seemingly, everything
that plagues our financial system today, whether it be simple wire
transfers to large scale foreign currency transactions or institutional
grade fraud, blockchain represents an opportunity to upgrade the entire
society and system to a new paradigm. ALLUXE will play a key role in
this new paradigm.
ALLUXE is a blockchain-based luxury platform intended
for convenient and transparent interaction of companies and customers in
the luxe segment through crypto currencies and modern technologies.
This is an innovative solution for the crypto-elite, wealthy people
demanding to the level of comfort, quality of service and
confidentiality. ALLUXE helps you plan a trip or a business trip, rent a
premium car, yacht or luxury real estate and make expensive purchases
anywhere in the world.
A. Plans to Scale Up the Platform
Work on the company is to be performed in several areas:
1. Search for potential customers of luxury goods and services
2. B2B marketing aimed to bring information about our platform to
prospective partners and tell them what opportunities they will have
thanks to the partnership with ALLUXE
3. Technological development of the platform. The ALLUXE platform offers
the most convenient interface, which allows a partner to create a
company card in several clicks and add trade offers
4. Carrying out an aggressive marketing campaign
5. Regular notification of the crypto currency community about the stages of product implementation
6. Dissemination of information about the company on the Internet, in
social networks, instant messengers using chat-bots, on dedicated
websites and forums related to blockchain and crypto currencies
7. Establishment of long-term cooperation with key strategic partners.
Enterin into agreements with large and well-known brands, such as:
Rolex, Mercedes, etc. will increase the status of the company, while
partners of such high level will be able to expand their customer base,
increase sales, and also enter the crypto currency market among the
The platform is also planned to be developed with the help of existing
active users. So, according to the conditions of the referral program,
users who invited new people to the system will receive additional
bonuses that will later allow them to increase their status and gain
access to previously unavailable benefits. At the same time, platform
users who use LXC tokens for mutual settlements, actively interact with
the platform and participate in trade offers, are assigned a special
status, which gives additional bonuses and advantages in the system.
Thus, on the one hand, the interest of users in LXC tokens will be
supported, on the other hand, this will make it possible to popularize
tokens in the crypto currency market.
A. Monetization Model
Since the company is mostly related to a trading platform, the company proceeds are generated as follows:
Referral fee. For new customers and transactions made, partners are ready to pay an agency fee. In each category of goods, fees will differ
2. Advertising. Integrated advertising to be paid by partners. Various VIP placements in order to increase the number of company card views.
3. Transactions & Conversions.
Fees for international transactions and currency conversion within the
platform when making settlement between users of the system
4. Private Club:
payment for membership in the VIP club. Such membership will provide an
opportunity to attend private events, go on collective world tours with
club members and platform partners, 24/7 concierge services, as well as
unique special offers. In addition, membership in the VIP club includes
special benefits in the form of additional discounts, opportunities to
participate in special platform promotions, get free bonuses from
service partners, etc.
SUPPLAY TOKEN : 220.000.000 LXC
TOKEN SELL : 110.000.000 LXC
1 ETH = 2,500 LXC
1 LXC = 0.0004 ETH Softcap: 3,000 ETH or $1,800,000 Hardcap: 27,500 ETH or $16,500,000
The currencies accepted: Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Dash, Fiat ($,€) 0.0004 ETH
PRIVATE SALE (40% Bonus) .... End Juni 7, 2018 (2,200,000 LXC )
PRE SALE ( 25% Bonus) June 12 - July 26, 2018 (19,800,000 LXC )
TOKEN SALE (15% Bonus) August 1-September 1, 2018 (8,800,000 LXC)
About is the main standard of Main transactions for the economic value of micro, small and medium enterprises. The funding system is available for decentralized economic value from micro, small and medium enterprises through tokenization kilometers and hours. uses terms and abbreviations. This document contains a large number of special terms, applied in disciplines such as economics, psychology, informatics and programming, as well as terms and abbreviations adopted in an environment that participates in the exploitation of the automotive market, commercial vehicles, construction of machinery and equipment. It is assumed that the reader has sufficient training and awareness, so after reading to develop a holistic view of the project, the approaches and mechanisms used by the implementation. MUST: Potential Project - We will present here a brief explanation of the MUST project which is believed to be very potential. Well to be more clear...
Boltt does not want you to read this post....unless you are reading it like this dude: That’s because Boltt’s primary mission is to get your off your butt and motivated to adopt a healthier, more active, lifestyle. Why? It should be obvious: being unhealthy is a social issue that affects us all. An unhealthy and sick population means that the more the government and society has to put money toward prevention and treatment costs. Those dollars can be prevented and directed elsewehere. I probably haven’t told you anything that you haven’t heard already. Instead, you are probably wondering how Boltt plans to motivate healthy behavior. Their overall strategy is to rely heavily on gamification to motivate and incentivize end users to participate in healthy behaviors and activities. In short, they will develop a platform, leverage blockchain technology, and issue a native utility token – BolttCoin (BOLTT) – to bind and record transactional data using smart contracts ...
Merhaba değerli takipçilerim, bugün sizlere Zodiaq isimli değerli bir proje ve bu projeye ait ico sürecinden bahsedeceğim. Teknolojinin hızla gelişimi interneti hayatımızın merkezine yerleştirdi. Artık hepimizin evinde, hatta evleri geçtim ceplerinde internet mevcut, internet olmadan kendimizi eksik hisseder hale geldik. Teknoloji tabi ki geliştirilmeye devam etti ve bu gelişimler bizleri blok zincir teknolojisi ile tanıştırdı. Hayatın hemen her alanında yaşanan problemlere farklı çözümler üretme fırsatını bizlere sunan blok zincir teknolojisi finans dünyasındaki problemlerin çözümü için dijital bir kripto para olarak Bitcoin terimini hayatımıza soktu. Merkezi bir yapıya sahip finans dünyasında özellikle para transferleri ve değişimleri gibi işlemeler hem uzun süre alıyor hem de büyük sermaye sahibi bankalar tarafından yüksek komisyonlara maruz bırakılıyor. İşte bu ve bunun gibi problemlere çözüm olarak geliştirilen Bitcoini ise bir çok alternatif kripto paranın icadı ta...
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